Friday, 30 November 2012


Has anyone ever eaten a terrible food combination that got them rushing to the toilet seat? I had an experience like that recently and trust me, it wasn’t funny.

I had just finished eating fried chicken when my mum came home that evening with chin-chin (which is a favorite of mine). I didn’t even think twice before moving over to start on the chin-chin. I ate as much as I could and drank water to flush it down.

It didn’t take me 20mins after eating this combo for my stomach and anus to start rotating and turning in a weird way. The only way I could relieve myself was to vamoose to the toilet. That was just the beginning of my several trips to the toilet that evening. Oh lordy!

I don’t need a dietician to tell me, now I know firsthand. I won’t try that food combo again! Never ever


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