Friday, 30 November 2012

How dare You Wake Me with a Bad Day?

So here I lie in my bed, enjoying the peacefulness of my sleep and exploring the fantasies of my dreams. It’s just about dawn and the cocks are preparing to crow away the quietness and calmness of the morning. My skin can feel the gentle sweep of the early breeze, feeling its touch closely, yet far away. I still felt the touch until a sudden shove on my shoulder brought me back to reality.

“Doo, Doo, you’ve got to wake up.”

“Oh mum, Good morning. You are up so early.”

“I know, but I have to speak with you before I leave on my journey this morning.”

“Awww, Ok.”

She began to tell me things. Things about how nonchalant and lazy I have been, about how selfish I am with not helping out in the house and leaving everything to my younger ones. Telling me that I have to do more to help out, be a hardworking girl like a true African; cook meals three times a day and wash the dishes thereafter.

Oh Lord have mercy on my dear soul; Oh how I’ve heard this sermon a thousand and one times. How much worse can this day be?

I just lay there; pretending not to hear what she was saying and pretending to be enjoying my sleep. If only I could scream out and tell her to spare me the lecture, but I held my peace and allowed her to rant on while I listened distantly. It was the only thing I could do to keep myself from screaming out and waking up the neighbors.

When she was done, expecting to hear a reply from me but hearing none, she left my room. That left me with a little more time to catch up from where my sleep was interrupted. I’m trying to get my sleeping mode activated but I can’t because my phone is ringing. Groaning, I pick up the phone to discover that it’s my father; so I put up a smile and answer the call.

“Hello dad. Good morning”

“How are you my dear?”

“Very well sir”

“Is your mother awake? Wake her up if she isn’t. I’ve been trying to call her but she is not picking up her calls”

“She’s awake, she just left my room. I guess she left her phone in her room.”

“She has forgotten that my birthday is today. Would you tell her to call me so I could have wonderful birthday?”

“Sure dad, happy birthday dad!”

“Ok, go back to sleep. Bye”

“Bye sir.”

Fast forward now to two hours later, I’m still in my bad mood. Things are going just great; actually, things are not going great at all. I’ve tried to shake off this feeling but I can’t. Even after praying and doing other things, this mood still lurks in my heart.

My mum is now a few miles far on her journey and I’m still suffering from the words she said. I know I shouldn’t have let her get to me but I did and how I blame myself for it. She has no idea what is going on with me. I wish I didn’t have to start my day like this.

Thankfully, it’s 5:00pm and my best friend and I have a bridal shower to attend, so my mood is a little lifted. Hopefully, at the end of it, I’ll feel better. 

Oh BTW, I came across this blog,, and I think the guy has some funny post. Let me warn you, this guy needs JESUS (lol!). See for yourself here

Photo Credits: Rebecca Langston on Flicker

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