I know this post is waaaaayy overdue but I just couldn’t
help myself. I had actually written this very early this year, not for anything
but because it was just something on my mind at that time, that had to do with
what was happening in the music industry abroad. Somehow, somehow, I didn’t get
to post it until now.
Beyonce is one talented woman I know. Whenever I hear or see her on screen, I am usually in awe like WOW!. Personally, I’ve come to respect her, what she does and what she represents. She is a representation of ‘Hard work pays’ and no one does it better than her. If I had the opportunity to tap into the intelligence and creativity of some people; are you thinking what I’m thinking? Yea, sure, she’ll def be on the list.
Queen Bey’s topic or theme of music seems to have evolved from what we used to know her for. She used to be known for women empowerment, dissing guys or trying to upgrade them (you know what I mean). It seems all that has changed, all thanks to Mr. Carter himself, JayZ.
Now all she sees is love because he put her love on top. Not
that something’s wrong with that.
While we’re still at it; her relationship with Mr. Carter is
noteworthy. Though they’ve been very privy about it, but from what I gather,
they started dating in 2001, got married in April 2008 and gave birth to Blue
Ivy, January 2012. You follow? To me, it is well planned out. No offence meant
but unlike my African sisters, we get married and get pregnant after one hour!
We never have time to get to know our husbands properly or play and hang out
with him. We simply settle down into the role of a mother after becoming a
wife. And when all the children are in boarding house or all grown up and on
their own, we don’t know what to do with our selves again. We become like
strangers to our spouse only sharing a room probably a house (I guess that
makes us the perfect housemates).
Well-done Bey, you must feel fulfilled with the birth of baby Blue Ivy. I’m guessing we’ll be expecting a few mama songs from her to compliment her new status.
Oh, and congrats on the birth of your daughter, and for your recent achievement as being named by People magazine as the most beautiful woman in the world! A lot of women will sure kill for that. People, what do you think of that, does she deserve the title? Let me know.
With all that said,